Ancient Underwater Pyramid Yonaguni-Jima (पानी में दफ़न प्राचीन पिरामिड युनागुनी-जिमा)

पानी में दफ़न प्राचीन पिरामिड युनागुनी-जिमा - जापान। 10000 ई.पू. समुद्र में जलमग्न यह पिरामिड वर्तमान में २५० फीट गहरे पानी में है।
On the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, lie submerged ruins estimated to be around 8,000 years old. Though some people believed that it was carved by geographic phenomena, it’s now confirmed to be man-made as the intricate stairways, carvings and right angles suggest. It was discovered in 1995 by a sport diver who strayed too far off the Okinawa shore with a camera in hand.Yonaguni-jima is one of the Yaeyama Islands and the westernmost inhabited island of Japan.
The Monument consists of medium to very fine sandstones and mudstones deposited about 20 million years ago. Most of the significant Yonaguni formations seem to be carved from one underlying rock mass. The flat parallel faces, sharp edges, the right and precise obtuse angles of the formation would indicate that the monolith was carved by man. 
Yonaguni-Jima - Japan [Photo credit: Google Images]
Other evidence presented by those who favor the man made include origin point to the two round holes on the edge of the Triangle Pool feature, and a straight row of smaller holes which have been interpreted as an abandoned attempt to split off a section of the rock by means of wedges, as in ancient quarries. Kimura believes that he has identified traces of drawings of animals and people engraved on the rocks, including a horse-like sign that he believes resembles a character from the Kaida script. Some have also interpreted a formation on the side of one of the monuments as a crude moai-like "face".
Yonaguni-Jima - Japan [Photo credit: Google Images]
If any part of the Monument was deliberately constructed or modified, that must have happened during the last Ice Age, (10,000 BC) when the sea level was much lower than it is today.
Yonaguni-Jima - Japan [Photo credit: Google Images]

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